About Us
TutLogic is a thought to help new developers, software engineers, and all computer geeks to develop logical thinking. Whether they want to learn with videos or textual article, it is all available for everyone for free and always be free.
We want our community to grow with new technological development and understanding of its impact. Which is not possible without logical analysis and logical thinking. Therefore, we want to help our software developers to understand the concepts behind software development. How the process begin and what should be the outlook of our mind.
For a great developer, it is crucial to have ability to think about our project logically. With a good logical analysis of the project anyone can bring the great project to the reality. The main part of logic, is the process of breaking problem segments (of the solution) into smaller task segments (block of code), and arranging them in the best order of execution to solve a problem. The more complex, the overall system is, the more time one must spend in generalizing the tasks.
In TutLogic, we want to share our knowledge with all of the Internet community and learn from you as well and welcomes your feedback. Whether you want to learn with videos or textual article, it is all available for everyone for free.
We also have a YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@tutlogic
Thank you!